Tuesday, February 27, 2007

True stories from the Past

Not news from the Hideout but something that tickled our fancy!

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Thursday, February 15, 2007

February Updates

This month is all about MONEY and ways to make it. Google Adsense is proving to be a wonderful addition in adding to the coffers and I absolutely recommend it if you have a website. My left palm has been itchy for days so am hoping that means money coming in rather than going out!
Another site on the recommended list is the LoseWeight MakeMoney FindLove site. What more could you want? It's all there.

And something to stimulate the mind from the latest Beacon newsletter - excerpt from editorial Maintain Your Rage. "Today, indeed every day, changes occur which inexorably remove our democratic rights, our long-held values, our commitment to a decent society. Each day, a privately owned media, at the behest of its owners, attempts to create public opinion that serves only a small group of international imperialist capitalists." Send for a copy yourself: unitarian@bigpond.com