Friday, September 29, 2006

Exercising Your Face

Even when successful losing body weight, some people find it more difficult to get the fat off their faces. Do you need a face tone up? Doing these face exercises regularly (and that's the key) really will slim and/or tone your face muscles. Set yourself the task of doing a couple each night if you can't bring yourself to make faces during the day in public. Get rid of that double chin! Find your long-lost cheekbones!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Where did August go?

How did it get to be a week into September already? I demand to know who took August out of this year's calendar!
Well, though you wouldn't know it from the less than updated website, it's been very busy here in the hideout. The pursuit of income has a nasty habit of cutting into creative time. Birthdays happened, visitors stayed, wild women were carved on stone and travels were taken. Sadness in the air this week with the death of two loved Aussie men, Steve Irwin and Peter Brock. Quite amazing considering the predictions of Susan Miller who said to expect the unexpected this first week in September. Both deaths were total shocks.